Capsule Filling Machine Components

capsule filling machine details

A capsule-filling machine is a piece of equipment used to manufacture pharmaceutical capsules, and it consists of many different components. The capsule filling machine components include the main frame, feeding device, filling device, sealing device, control system, etc. Each component plays an important role in ensuring the machine’s normal operation and efficient production.

The main frame is the support structure of the capsule-filling machine, which provides stable support for other components. The main frame is usually made of high-quality stainless steel to ensure the stability and durability of the machine. It also features precise machining to ensure the accuracy of installation and operation of each component.

capsule filling machine details

The feeding device is an important component of the capsule-filling machine. It is responsible for transporting the raw materials of the capsule to the filling device. The feeding device usually consists of a feeding tray, a feeding pipe, and a feeding motor. The feeding tray is used to store capsule raw materials, the feeding pipe is responsible for transporting the raw materials to the filling device, and the feeding motor is responsible for driving the operation of the feeding tray and pipes.

The filling device is the core component of the capsule-filling machine, which is responsible for filling the capsules into drugs. The filling device usually consists of a filling plate, a filling mold, and a filling device. The filling plate is used to fix the filling mold, the filling mold is used to accommodate the capsule, and the filler is responsible for filling the drug into the capsule. Filling devices usually feature high precision and efficiency to ensure capsule filling quality and production efficiency.

The sealing device is another important component of the capsule-filling machine, which is responsible for sealing the capsules filled with medicine. The sealing device usually consists of a sealing mold and a sealer. The sealing mold is used to fix the capsule, and the sealer is responsible for sealing the capsule. The sealing device usually has high sealing performance and high stability to ensure the sealing quality and shelf life of the capsule.

The control system is the brain of the capsule-filling machine, which is responsible for monitoring and regulating the operating status of the machine. The control system usually consists of a PLC controller and a touch screen. The PLC controller is responsible for executing various operations of the machine, and the touch screen is used to operate and monitor the operating status of the machine. The control system usually has the characteristics of a friendly human-machine interface, easy operation, and powerful functions to ensure the stability and production efficiency of the machine.

Here is the capsule filling machine YouTube video working process in our factory for your reference!!

Overall, the various components of the capsule-filling machine play an important role and work together to ensure the normal operation and efficient production of the machine. With the continuous advancement of technology, various components of capsule-filling machines are also constantly innovated and improved to meet the growing market demand and improve production efficiency. Through our continuous efforts, the various components of the capsule-filling machine will be more complete and advanced in the future, making greater contributions to the development of the pharmaceutical production industry.